Monday, January 18, 2010

“I Wanna Grow Old With You Till The Last Leaf Fall”

Howdy my beloved readers, it’s been a couple of days since my last post. Today, I wanna share to you a love song. But before that, I just want to ask a simple question first. Have you been in love? I surely have and the feeling is indescribable.

You might be surprised if I say the heaven opened its door for me.LOL! But it’s true. It seems like my days are always good every time I saw the one I love.

Anyway, back to the song. Have you heard the song “I want grow old with you” by Adam Sandler? If not, then it’s high time to do go look for it. I remembered when minelove used to sing this song to me while holding my hands. I feel “hoity-toity” gosh, he’s so sweet. What’s more romantic is he gave me 3 pieces of my favorite flower, TULIPS.

I was so surprised when he sang that song to me because he has no idea about it was my favorite song. I remembered the last time I heard the song. I was in a wholesale clothing store looking for skirts. If I could only bring back time, I want to experience that happy moment together with my baby again. Not in a wholesale clothing store, but in a romantic place.

If there’s someone whom I want to grow old with that would be you, Baby. Thanks to Adam for creating this wonderful song.